We hold up the following three
priorities for our church. First, we are to minister to the Lord. Our
ministry to the Lord is expressed in the worship of the Church. The
ministry of worship is that act of expressing to God His infinite worth
and glory. We are to glorify him in everything. Our objective is that our
members know and delight in God.
Our second priority is ministry
to the Body of Christ. This ministry includes education, admonition,
purity, discipline, caring, fellowship, service, stewardship, etc.
The goal of this edification ministry is that every member become a fully
devoted follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. The objective is to help our
members become more like Christ.
Third, we are to minister to
our lost world. Evangelistic ministry includes missions in all forms,
witnessing to and winning the lost, showing mercy to the oppressed, being
champions of truth and justice by being salt and light in a dark world.
Our objective is to encourage and help every member fulfill his role in
carrying out the Great Commission of Christ to the Church (Matthew
Worship, edification, and
evangelization must be the balanced, funded, ongoing priorities of our
Church. They are our reasons for existence.